среда, 9 ноября 2011 г.

woodrow wilson presidency highlights in HUGHSON woodrow wilson presidency highlights HUGHSON

woodrow wilson presidency highlights in HUGHSON

woodrow wilson presidency highlights

woodrow wilson presidency highlights HUGHSON

woodrow wilson presidency highlights in HUGHSON.It is refreshing to see the depth of research, with references to older historians and princeton alumni, who verify wilson as the uncompromising and egotistical college president.
The damage that wilson did to princeton continues to this day.
Although, because of his art education at princeton and the university of delaware, he devoted many interesting pages to the proposed architectural design of the quads.
Nevertheless, the book is a pageturner.
It almost reads like a novel.
Because in this case, the truth about wilson seems almost stranger than fiction.
He would not compromise on any issue, whether academic or political.
He had an exaggerated sense of selfimportance and a craving for domination in everything.
And the eating clubs wilson opposed, are still there, albeit, they are now coed and less in number.
I wondered if the author would still have a job at princeton after such a tour de force.
A good read, but with that vested interest, one has to wonder if all the drama and fireworks presented for the previous 340 pages, is a chimera covering his own loyalty to princeton.

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