суббота, 24 сентября 2011 г.

cleaning cat urine from carpets::To clean soak the area with an enzyme based commercial cleaning product cleaning cat urine from carpets

cleaning cat urine from carpets cleaning cat urine from carpets::To clean soak the area with an enzyme based commercial cleaning product.
It can take up to 2 weeks for the area to dry and the stain to go away.
Cats have a very sensitive sense of smell.
If the cleaning is not thorough, your cat could use the odor as a marker for where he or she should urinate in the future.
Find the right spot it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact location of the urine since some cats prefer to urinate in hidden places.
An inexpensive black light or a designed to detect urine can help spot the areas that must be cleaned.
The light will cause the cat urine stains to glow.
Soak up the liquid remove as much liquid as possible.
Use a paper towel to absorb as much liquid as possible.
Stand on the paper towel or apply pressure to force liquid into the towel.
There are two types of urine cleaners with the first based on oxygen and the second with enzymes.
Be sure to test any cleaner on a hidden area to avoid discoloring of the carpet.
Peroxide is a common discoloring agent in cat urine stain removers that can stain.
You can also try using one of our suggested.
After applying the stain remover rub the stain with a cloth from the outside in.
Steam clean you can use a small steam cleaner to remove cat urine from your carpet.
These can often be rented at larger grocery stores or at hardware stores.
Some cat urine and stain removers do not want you to use steam.
Do not combine cleaning products.
We recommend soaking the cat urine stain with.
After cleaning urine odor will remain for up to 2 weeks.
The stained area may feel damp during this entire period.
Do not combine cleaning products.
Chemicals in one might interfere with the other.
Only use one approach.
Keep your cat away from the treated area.
If this is difficult, then cover the area with tin foil.
Most cats do not like the feeling of foil under there feet.
Even if you clean the stain the urine acid might harm the carpet.
You might see some type of stain on the carpet even after cleaning.
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cleaning cat urine from carpets::Ask the pet owners of the joys of
owning a pet cleaning cat urine from carpets

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