среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.

crazy carpet::I got a workout crazy carpet

crazy carpet crazy carpet::I got a workout.
Carpet removal demands a lot of upper body strength.
Also, i ran up and down three flights of stairs at least a dozen times, to dump the old carpets on the curb.
I grunted and panted for five hours straight.
As a result, dinner was ridiculously delicious last night.
Steven was a good boss.
Supportive, generous, and did not micromanage me.
He was very laid back and let me have the freedom to move about his house and rip up the carpet as i saw fit.
And, he had all the right cutting tools, very useful thick rubber gloves and those newfangled stretch garbage bags.
You make strong bags!
Oh, the sweet, sweet sound of ripping carpet.
There is nothing better than getting paid to destroy something you normally have to keep clean.
Full disclosure: i hate vacuuming.
This job was my ultimate revenge against my teenage chores.
Old carpet fiber and dried up rubber flew into my eyes when i ripped up some sections.
I realized after about an hour that i should have been wearing protective glasses.
The rubber gloves i was wearing were also a necessity.
Without them, i would have had carpet cuts or rug burn on my hands.
Likewise, i could have benefited from knee pads.
The concrete was tough on my knees.
Luckily, steven had squash goggles that were perfect for the job.
I think i may also have benefited from wearing a fast mask.
Man, it is dirrrty under 15 yearold carpet.
Job number three was honest work, fair pay and resulted in two happy artists.
Steven, if you are reading this, send me a picture of what your new floors look like after you install them!
I need a long dodo before i continue to search for job number four tomorrow!
crazy carpet::What an original idea crazy carpet

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