четверг, 22 сентября 2011 г.

stain removal carpet::Use a clean white cloth to blot up as much of the red wine stain as you can stain removal carpet

stain removal carpet stain removal carpet::Use a clean white cloth to blot up as much of the red wine stain as you can.
Add a little water.
Pour a small amount of water onto the red wine stain and continue blotting.
The water will help to dilute the red wine letting you blot up the stain more easily.
Be sure not to pour too much water at a time.
Continue until no more stain can be removed.
Make a baking soda paste.
Put the paste directly on the stain and allow it to dry before vacuuming up the paste.
Apply a carpet stain remover.
Be sure to test any carpet stain removal techniques on a hidden area of your carpet to make sure of the results.
stain removal carpet::Whether from wine, coffee, fruit punch, oil or
grease, stains to your carpet and upholstery can be heartbreaking stain
removal carpet

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