среда, 21 сентября 2011 г.

remove paint from carpet::Even paint stains that are over a year old can be easily removed with the right products and a little elbow grease remove paint from carpet

remove paint from carpet remove paint from carpet::Even paint stains that are over a year old can be easily removed with the right products and a little elbow grease.
Recently my husband spilled a whole gallon of light, almost white, blue paint in the middle of my carpeted hallway.
He freaked, i freaked and together we freaked completely.
Here are 3 methods i used to get rid of the paint stain.
All three methods worked perfectly.
The paint thinner method using paint thinner to clean my carpets was the method i was most hesitant to try and the hardest to accomplish but it does work.
The sales clerk at the paint department of orchard hardware warned me that using paint thinner on my carpet could ruin the matting underneath, smell bad and possibly stain the carpet further.
He told me to use it in moderation after being diluted with warm water.
When i first attempted to clean the paint from the carpet with diluted thinner i had very little success.
So i gave straight paint thinner a go.
When i poured straight paint thinner on my carpet it did indeed smell pretty bad.
What it did do is loosen the paint so that when i dabbed and scrubbed at the spot it smeared the paint around.
Overall i determined that this method would be best suited for removing small spots or splatters of paint rather than entire gigantic spills.
It is a strong chemical designed to clean icky, sticky, gooey, gross spots out of floors, furniture, fabrics and surfaces.
remove paint from carpet::How to use paint stripper to remove paint
paint stripper works wonders for removing paint remove paint from carpet

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